

Thanks for dropping by, I’m Kopi! I’m a Singaporean married to a Japanese, currently living in Japan.

This little esoteric corner of the blog is about life as a foreigner in Japan from my perspective. In this introductory post, I will explain the purpose of this blog and give a brief introduction about my wife and me, and perhaps a primer about what to expect from this blog.

きなこ's メモ

“What’s mochillicrab”, you ask?


Marriage can be a pretty complicated affair, especially if it’s an international one. My wife and I hope this blog can help with the various issues that international couples face when getting married in Japan.

Firstly, paperwork! We’ll talk about the documents and procedures that are required to register your marriage in Japan, among other things.

Of course, the ups and downs of an international marriage come with the differences in cultural and religious backgrounds. Hopefully, this blog provides a window for those interested into these contrasts and little quirks that appear from time to time.

I’ll also blog about some of my hobbies as well as things that catch my attention from a Singaporean’s/foreigner’s perspective.

I write this corner of the blog. While the main blog is written in Japanese, this part of the blog is written in English. While there may be little overlaps in posts, my wife and I will be happy to translate any content to English here, albeit not a word-by-word translation.

But.. what exactly is a “mochillicrab”?

Oh… That’s what you wanted to know.

“Mochillicrab” is simply an amalgamation of two words:

Mochi and Chilli crab
Ok. Fine. Three words.

“Mochi”, a type of Japanese rice cake as well as the name of our pet dog, and “Chilli crab”, a Singaporean seafood dish.

So.. about the both of you (and your pet).

In closing..

My wife and I will be glad if this blog helps anyone of you who has questions about being an international couple. Leave us a comment if we’ve helped in one way or another!

